Assignment 07

Hackathon 2.0

app.R Contents


data_path <- "speed_dating_data.csv"
spd_dat <- read.csv(data_path)

spddat <- subset(spd_dat, select=c(race, gender, age, pf_o_att, match, age_o,
                                   attr, exercise, attr_o))

# data for Vikrant's pie chart
slices <- c(51,52,53,54,55,56,57,58,59,60,61,62,63,64,65,66,67)
labels=c("Sports", "TV Sports","Exercise",
         "Dining", "Museums", "Art", "Hiking",
         "Gaming", "Clubbing","Reading", "TV", "Theater",
         "Movies", "Concert", "Music", "Shopping",

# data for Lizzie's line plot
match <- 1:10
race <- cumsum(rnorm(10))
data_lizzie <- data.frame(match,race)

spddat %>% mutate(race = recode(race,
                               '1' = "Black/African American",
                               '2' = "European/Caucasian-American",
                               '3' = "Latino/Hispanic American",
                               '4' = "Asian/Pacific Islander/Asian-American",
                               '5' = "Native American",
                               '6' = "Other")) -> spddat
spddat %>% mutate(gender = recode(gender,
                                  '0' = "Women",
                                  '1' = "Men")) -> spddat
spddat %>% mutate(match = recode(match,
                                 '0' = "No Match",
                                 '1' = "Match")) -> spddat

spddat <- na.omit(spddat)

# data for Vikrant's Bar Chart
spddat_match <- subset(spddat, secect=c(match, gender, age_o))
spddat_match <- spddat_match[spddat_match$match == "Match",] # get all those who matched

# data for Lizzie's heatmap
spddat_melt = subset(spddat, select=c(match, race, attr))
spddat_melt = melt(spddat_melt,"attr") # Reorder data

# data for Namrta's Pie Chart
spddat_match2 <- subset(spddat, select=c(match, gender, race))
spddat_match2 <- spddat_match2[spddat_match2$match == "Match",] # get all those who matched

# Define UI for app that draws a histogram ----
ui <- fluidPage(
  # App title ----
  titlePanel("Assignment07: Hackathon 2.0"),
  # Sidebar layout with input and output definitions ----
    # Sidebar panel for inputs ----
      radioButtons("type", h4("Type of Plot"),
                   choices=c("Bar Chart", "Scatter Plot", "Line Plot", "Pie Chart", "Heatmap")),
      selectInput("plot", h4("Plot"), "N/A"),
      helpText(h4("Synergy Report:"), "Team members put together code for 
               various plot types as shown by the dropdown selection labels.
               Eli placed the various plot codes into this Shiny app."),
      helpText("Team Members: Namrta Sharma, Eli Evans, Seongdeok Oh,
               Elisabeth Sanders, Vikrant Sagar Remoddula")
    # Main panel for displaying outputs ----

# Define server logic required to draw a histogram ----
server <- function(input, output, session) {
    updateSelectInput(session, "plot",
                                     "Bar Chart" = c("Namrta's Bar Chart",
                                                     "Seongdeok's Bar Chart",
                                                     "Vikrant's Bar Chart"),
                                     "Scatter Plot" = c("Namrta's Scatter Plot",
                                                        "Seongdeok's Scatter Plot",
                                                        "Vikrant's Scatter Plot",
                                                        "Lizzie's Bubble Plot"),
                                     "Line Plot" = c("Lizzie's Line Plot"),
                                     "Pie Chart" = c("Namrta's Pie Chart",
                                                     "Vikrant's Pie Chart"),
                                     "Heatmap" = c("Lizzie's Heatmap"))
  output$plot <- renderPlot({
    "Namrta's Bar Chart" = ggplot(spddat, aes(x=race, fill=gender)) +
                          geom_bar() +
                          labs(x= "Race", y="Number of Participants",
                               title="Racial Profile of Participants"),
    "Namrta's Scatter Plot" = ggplot(spddat, aes(x=age, y=pf_o_att)) +
                              geom_point(color="seagreen4") +
                              labs(x="Age", y="Preference of Attractivenes", 
                                   title="Preference of Attractiveness by age", 
    "Namrta's Pie Chart" = ggplot(spddat_match2, aes(x = "", y=match, fill=race, group=race)) +
                            geom_bar(stat="identity") + 
                            facet_grid(cols = vars(gender)) +
                            coord_polar("y", start = 0) +
    "Seongdeok's Bar Chart" = ggplot(spddat, aes(x = gender, fill = race)) + 
                                geom_bar(position = "dodge"),
    "Seongdeok's Scatter Plot" = ggplot(spddat, aes(x = gender, 
                                                    y = age, 
                                                    col = race)) + 
    "Lizzie's Line Plot" = ggplot(data_lizzie, aes(x=match, y=race)) +
                            geom_line(color="#69b3a2", size=2, 
                                      alpha=0.9, linetype=2) +
                            ggtitle("Is attraction due to race?"),
    "Vikrant's Pie Chart" = pie(slices, labels = labels, 
                                main="Pie Chart of Commom Interests"),
    "Vikrant's Scatter Plot" = ggplot(spddat, aes(x = match, 
                                                  y = age_o, 
                                                  col = gender)) + 
    "Vikrant's Bar Chart" = ggplot(spddat_match) +
                              geom_bar(aes(x=age_o, fill=gender, group=gender), 
                                       position="dodge", color="#252525") +
                              scale_x_continuous(breaks=c(18, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45)) +
                              scale_fill_discrete(labels=c("Female", "Male"), 
                                                  type=c("#a50f15", "#252525")) +
                              labs(title = "Which Age-group got more success ?",
                                   fill = "Gender") +
                              xlab("Age") +
                              ylab("Number of Candidates") +
                              theme_light() +
                              theme(text = element_text(family="Times New Roman")),
    "Lizzie's Heatmap" = ggplot(spddat_melt, aes(match, race)) +
                          geom_tile(aes(fill = attr)),
    "Lizzie's Bubble Plot" = ggplot(spddat, aes(x = age, y = exercise, size=attr_o)) +
                              geom_point(alpha=0.5, color = 'steelblue') +
                              scale_size(range=c(-.0155, 2), name='Attractiveness by Exercise')

shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)